Your source for the western saddle of your choice, regardless of your intended use.
Whether it’s for all around ranch work, the competitive show arena, roping pen, reining, cutting, western pleasure, team penning, packing in the mountains, or just out on the trail riding for pleasure, we can customize your saddle specifically to your needs.
You name it – tell us the style of tree on which you want your western saddle built, be it a Wade, Weatherly, 3B, Bowman, Will James, Modified Association, Buster Welch…the possibilities are limitless.
All it takes is for you to tell us the purpose for which you are going to use your western saddle, the types of horses or mules you ride, your tree style preference, your stamping, carving, silver and accessory requirements and we will do all the rest to the highest possible craftsmanship standards. We guarantee a comfortable fit for your horses or mules and you will look and feel good every moment you are in your western saddle.

Whether it be a custom, hand crafted, bench made western saddle, tailor made to your unique specifications, or for those not wanting, or with the time, to wait on tailored specifications, we maintain in stock several custom, hand crafted, bench made shop saddles, which have been built to our exacting standards, in the styles most frequently requested by our customers over the past 15 years. This includes western saddles built on the ever popular Wade and Modified Association style trees.
We also offer a wide selection of used and consigned western saddles, all of which have been inspected for soundness.
Additionally, we actively pursue collecting Western Americana artifacts. On occasion, we make available out of our collection, selected vintage, antique and collectible western saddles.

An example of a custom, hand crafted, bench made Wade shop saddle.
Built on a Randy Alexander tree with Herman Oak leather, Wade fork, 16″ seat; #4 dally horn; 4 1/2″ high cantle; semi-quarter horse bars, 90° angle, 6 1/4″ wide gullet, 7 3/4″ high; 7/8 flat plate rigging, Dale Harwood hardware; straight bead cantle binding; 2 1/2″ stirrup leathers, Blevins style buckles; Basket stamp; Jeremiah Watt conchos; 3″ bell Monel stirrups.
Ordering Your Custom Saddle
So, you want a custom, hand crafted, bench made western saddle, tailor-made to your unique specifications, using only the best quality materials, and, demanding the highest quality craftsmanship possible?
Yes, it is very possible to achieve this outcome, and furthermore, you’ve come to the right place to get it done!
To discuss your custom western saddle requirements, please stop by the shop, call (661) 619-4545, or email Jack D. Smith.
When we talk about your order for a custom, hand crafted, bench made western saddle, please be prepared to discuss the following elements…
Personal Information
Contact Numbers
Includes physical address, home phone, cell phone, email address - Purpose is to be able to communicate regarding follow-up questions and provide status/progress reports via mail, text message and email messages.
Size Measurements
Will need your height, weight and inseam length - This information will be helpful in determining your custom made saddle's seat length and shape, cantle height and width, fender and stirrup leather lengths.
Horse or Mule Conformation
The conformation of the horses or mules you ride will have a direct bearing on several decisions you make regarding your custom western saddle – Particularly important conformation considerations include back, withers, loin muscles, shoulders (width and, to some extent, slope), heartgirth (depth, rib expansion and underline) – Phrases oftentimes used to generally describe this collection of conformation points include Semi Quarter Horse, Full Quarter Horse, Mutton Withered Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred, etc.
Saddle Tree
Tree Name
This refers to the style of the saddle tree's fork - Slick fork (or A-Fork) examples include Wade, Weatherly, 3B. Swell fork examples include Modified Association, Buster Welch, Will James, Bowman. This decision is influenced by personal preference and, to some extent, your intended use. Other important decisions related to the fork include fork width, gullet height and width.
Bar Name
This refers to the style of the saddle tree's bars. Examples of bar styles include Arizona and Northwest. The key aspects on which points of differentiation need to be made include stirrup slot, rocker, angle, twist from burr to fan. These decisions are influenced primarily by the conformation of the backs of the types of horses or mules you ride. Additionally, oftentimes the terms Semi Quarter Horse, Full Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred are used to describe bar name or style.
There are several styles of cantles including round, oval, comfort, shovel. The key measurements include height, width and dish depth.
There are several styles of horns including #4 Dally, Wood Post. The key measurements include cap width and stem height.
Seat Length
The saddle tree's seat length decision will primarily be determined by your size. The saddle's finished seat length will be approximately 1/2" shorter than the tree's seat length.
Saddle Construction
Skirt styles include square, semi-square, old style round, round.
Rigging styles include D ring, flat plate & in-skirt. Material types include stainless steel or brass. Standard placement alternatives include full double, 15/16, 7/8, 3/4, 5/8, double, single.
Back Rigging
Back rigging styles include “D” ring, leather slot, both of which will require a size decision.
Seat Type and Shape
The three basic types of finished seats from which to choose are hard, padded or inlaid. The seat can also be a looped seat if you choose. The actual shaping of the rise, stop, and transitions from flat to twist to rise is an interactive process.
Back Jockey
Decisions you will need to make regarding the back jockies include one piece versus two, braided, frog connector and crupper.
Fork Covering
The three basic types of fork coverings are hooded, scalloped under and rawhide hood.
Cantle Binding
Cantle binding choices are either straight bead binding or cheyenne roll, and can be finished with either skirting leather or rawhide.
Horn Covering
Horns can be finished with either skirting leather or rawhide. Custom made sterling silver horn caps can also be made to your specifications.
Rope Strap
Rope straps can be of the regular type (split or with buckle), or Oregon crossover. Buckles can be of brass or stainless steel.
The three basic types of fenders are regular, narrow and old timer. Length will also be and important decision.
Stirrup Leathers
Stirrup leathers can be full double, California half or old timer. Width can be either 2 1/2″ or 3″. Length will also be an important decision. Other decisions include # of holes, Blevins buckle or laced, and, twist & wrap or not.
Stirrup decisions include width, tread, bell, Visalia, Monel, oxbow, leather or rawhide covering.
Possible tooling alternatives include geometric or basket stamp, floral carving and combinations.
Breast Collar
Breast Collar styles include …
Bucking Rolls
For slick fork saddles…
Custom Silver
Custom silver accessories include horn cap, back cantle plate, conchos.
Other Accessories
Other custom western saddle accessories include breeching (britchen), saddle bags, cantle bag.
Half down with order and balance due when saddle is completed.
In Stock Shop Made Western Saddles
For those not wanting, or able, to wait on a western saddle built to personalized specifications, but wanting a premium quality, hand crafted, custom, bench made western saddle, Granite Station Saddlery maintains in stock, several saddles, which have been built to our exacting standards, in the styles most frequently requested by our customers over the past 15 years.
These western saddle requests have been for all types of uses, including all around ranch work, roping, reining, cutting, western pleasure, and team penning, as well as trail riding, packing, and endurance riding.
The types of trees on which these western saddles have been built, include, but are not limited to Wade, Weatherly, 3B, Bowman, Will James, Modified Association, and Buster Welch.